Stuart Salfinger — YRD

Stuart Salfinger

WA Gynae & Surgery, WA, Australia

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Stuart Salfinger is a Certified Gynaecologic Oncologist. He is an executive Board member of the Australian Society of Gynaecologic Oncologists and Past President of the Australasian Gynaecologic Endoscopy and Surgery Society. He is a college examiner for the RANZCOG Gynaecologic Oncology subspecialty exams. He has over 50 peer review publications and has given over 100 presentations at national and international meetings. He also serves as a committee member on the NHMRC MRFF Grant Assessment Committee. Stuart’s particular clinical interest is in Gynaecologic Cancer Surgery and complex laparoscopic surgery. He specialises in this area with a particular emphasis in the laparoscopic management of gynaecologic cancers. He gained his MBBS from UWA in 1996, his FRANZCOG qualification in 2006 and sub specialist certification Gynaecologic Oncology (CGO) in 2008. During this time, he also completed a fellowship in minimally invasive surgery at Monash Medical Centre and subsequently a three-year sub-specialty training program in gynaecologic oncology at Royal Woman’s Hospital in Melbourne, Mercy Hospital in Melbourne and then at Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital in Brisbane and the Mater hospital in Brisbane. He has also completed a Graduate Diploma in Surgical Education via Melbourne University. His other appointments include Clinical Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia and a Clinical lecturer at the University of Notre Dame.