Danny Chou
Sydney Women's Endosurgery Centre, NSW, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

Dr Danny Chou is a Director of Sydney Women’s Endosurgery
Faculty of AGES’ cadaver workshop.
Abstracts this author is a contributor to:
Total laparoscopic hysterectomy for a large cervical posterior fibroid impacted in the pelvis. (#B9)
12:50 PM
Lionel Reyftmann
Session 3: Free Communication Session B
Laparoscopic management of suspected benign giant ovarian cysts. (1419)
10:00 AM
Lionel Reyftmann
Morning Tea & Trade Exhibition & Digital Free Communications
'A stitch in time . . . ' isn't always enough. A case of repeated laparoscopic cervical cerclages in a grand multip (#D7)
3:00 PM
Joanne B McKenna
Session 9: Free Communication Session D
Laparoscopic Adenomyomectomy with Triple Flap Closure - Laparoscopic Modification of the Osada Technique (#D1)
2:00 PM
Joanne Joanne McKenna
Session 9: Free Communication Session D
Quality of Life after Laparoscopic Mesh Sacrocolpopexy - Prospective outcomes at 6 weeks and 1 year post-operatively (#A3)
11:50 AM
Brian Tsai
Session 3: Free Communication Session A
How have Australian Gynaecologists embraced Robotic surgery compared to the rest of the world? A review of our progress to date. (1468)
10:00 AM
Louise Konaris
Morning Tea & Trade Exhibition & Digital Free Communications
Robot-assisted mesh sacrocolpopexy – recorded in 3D (1469)
10:00 AM
Brian Tsai
Morning Tea & Trade Exhibition & Digital Free Communications
Laparoscopic hysterectomy, what is the limit? (1566)
4:54 PM
Danny Chou
Session 10: Hysterectomy